Am I Controlling My Spending…We Need A Variance Analysis Report!

budget-varianceWow… We are already in the fifth month of the year, by now we should be pretty comfortable with the numbers on our monthly or quarterly budgets.

Have you ever been in a place where your actual spend is much more than your budget and you are in a deficit “AGAIN”…?

I do understand that there are times we do have unplanned expenses; like your washer stopped working or an emergency happened that you do not have control over. The truth of the matter is we should have a month’s expense in our savings account and continue to stretch ourselves until we have three months expenses saved up. Why? So we do not add more debt to our credit cards, focus is to live a debt free life.

Perhaps the reason we always have a short fall is because we have not been tracking our expenses and therefore our budget is understated.

Or maybe we need to discipline ourselves and exercise self-control in how we spend our hard earned cash. A need is not the same thing as a want.

Help is on the way – Track your expenses for 30 days especially grocery and gas, it will shock you at how much we spend in these categories.

God is Faithful! The God that can multiply 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish to feed five thousand men without counting the women and children is more than able. The math does no add up, we serve a Supernatural God who is more than able to supply all our needs according to his riches in Glory.

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