Financial Coaching

Our Focus
Debt-Free Living

Are you in need of a debt free life? Tola Oye (MBA, PMP) uses Kingdom principles and her experience as a budget coach with the Crown Financial Ministry to teach and counsel individuals & families on living a debt-free life and living on a realistic budget. She works with people from all walks of life, including tithers.
Complete the coaching request form below and be ready to deliver all the assignments on their due date.
Tola's Story
Tola Oye migrated to the USA in 1999 with her husband and twins at the peak of her career. She left everything to follow her husband’s career development and give her children a better future. Coming from a wealthy family that some will describe as “born with a silver spoon”, life in the USA was a different story at first. Tola and her husband struggled to find jobs for almost a year, all the while paying rent and feeding their two children. They soon exhausted the funds they migrated with and their children who were used to vacationing every summer couldn’t understand why they were living poor in America and their parents couldn’t afford to buy them a happy meal. The couple started using credit cards to pay the bills – including the
Tola Oye migrated to the USA in 1999 with her husband and twins at the peak of her career. She left everything to follow her husband’s career development and give her children a better future. Coming from a wealthy family that some will describe as “born with a silver spoon”, life in the USA was a different story at first. Tola and her husband struggled to find jobs for almost a year, all the while paying rent and feeding their two children. They soon exhausted the funds they migrated with and their children who were used to vacationing every summer couldn’t understand why they were living poor in America and their parents couldn’t afford to buy them a happy meal.
The couple started using credit cards to pay the bills – including the mortgage and ended up with $30K in credit card debt and $10K in overdraft line of protection, which led to sleepless nights and high blood pressure to name a few. Tola first discovered Crown Financial Ministry while listening to the radio and the speaker said “If you want to get out of debt, stop charging your credit card”. At that moment, she felt like God was speaking to her and with the help of Crown Financial Ministry, Tola and her husband were debt-free in two years. Their cars were paid off and her twins went to college debt-free. She then went on to become a volunteer budget coach with the organization and has since been helping people be free from debt & financial bondage. Tola is thankful to God for His faithfulness.
mortgage and ended up with $30K in credit card debt and $10K in overdraft line of protection, which led to sleepless nights and high blood pressure to name a few. Tola first discovered Crown Financial Ministry while listening to the radio and the speaker said “If you want to get out of debt, stop charging your credit card”. At that moment, she felt like God was speaking to her and with the help of Crown Financial Ministry, Tola and her husband were debt-free in two years. Their cars were paid off and her twins went to college debt-free. She then went on to become a volunteer budget coach with the organization and has since been helping people be free from debt & financial bondage. Tola is thankful to God for His faithfulness.

Tola's Story
Tola Oye migrated to the USA in 1999 with her husband and twins at the peak of her career. She left everything to follow her husband’s career development and give her children a better future. Coming from a wealthy family that some will describe as “born with a silver spoon”, life in the USA was a different story at first. Tola and her husband struggled to find jobs for almost a year, all the while paying rent and feeding their two children. They soon exhausted the funds they migrated with and their children who were used to vacationing every summer couldn’t understand why they were living poor in America and their parents couldn’t afford to buy them a happy meal.
The couple started using credit cards to pay the bills – including the mortgage and ended up with $30K in credit card debt and $10K in overdraft line of protection, which led to sleepless nights and high blood pressure to name a few. Tola first discovered Crown Financial Ministry while listening to the radio and the speaker said “If you want to get out of debt, stop charging your credit card”. At that moment, she felt like God was speaking to her and with the help of Crown Financial Ministry, Tola and her husband were debt-free in two years. Their cars were paid off and her twins went to college debt-free. She then went on to become a volunteer budget coach with the organization and has since been helping people be free from debt & financial bondage. Tola is thankful to God for His faithfulness.


Coaching Process
Tell me your story
Income & Expense Statement
Tracking of Monthly Expenses
Budget Preparation
Debt Reduction Discussion
Long & Short-Term Goals
Steps To Get Out of Debt
How to be Free from Debt
Steps to Financial Freedom
Q & A Session